Planning for the Future
Ever-evolving, the utility industry requires a careful balance of strategic planning for the future with present rate and service stability in compliance with changing requirements at the local, state, and federal levels. Clark Public Utilities, under the leadership of an elected board, continues to plan for the integration of new technologies with pragmatism, innovation, and flexibility.

Transportation Electrification
Electric Vehicle Advantages
Consumers find several advantages to electric vehicle ownership – EVs release no tailpipe emissions, reduce smoggy conditions on our roads, and are noise-free.
The continued adoption of EVs will increase the demand for electricity and has the potential to be disruptive if not properly managed. Learn what we are doing to ensure the smooth transition to electrified transportation.
Energy Conservation and Emerging Technologies
Renewable Energy Integration and Reliable Power Supply
Clark Public Utilities is committed to compliance with the Washington State Clean Energy Transformation Act and Energy Independence Act as we move toward a carbon-free energy future. We are fortunate to enjoy an abundance of clean, renewable hydropower in the Pacific Northwest to provide reliable baseload generation. Clark Public Utilities owns and operates a natural gas generator, the River Road Generating Plant, that will operate flexibly in the future to accommodate an increasing renewable energy supply, including wind and solar energy.
In 2026, additional renewable energy from the Box Canyon Hydroelectric Dam in Pend Oreille and increased generation from the Combine Hills wind project will contribute to the Clark Public Utilities renewable, zero-emission energy portfolio.

Resource Mix
Washington utilities are required to publish the power sources used to supply their customers.

Rooftop Solar
Decrease your bill and contribute to the grid through our net metering program.

Community Solar
Community Solar brings together a group of participants to build one larger solar array, and all participants benefit from the renewable energy generated.