Current Outages


Recently Restored


Map Key


Green< 50
MultipleMultiple Outages*

*Multiple outages indicates separate outages clustered near each other.

Current Outages


Recently Restored


Map Key


< 50
Multiple Outages*

*Multiple outages indicates separate outages clustered near each other.

What to Do If The Power Goes Out

circled-number-1Check Your Neighbors’ Houses

If you lose power, first look outside to see if your neighbors still have power.

circled-number-2Check Your Electrical Panel

If your neighbors’ lights are on, check your electrical panel or breaker box to rule out problems with electricity inside your home. See how to check your electrical panel or breaker box.

circled-number-3Report the Outage

Report the outage online or call PowerLine at 360-992-8000. Remember, cordless landline phones won’t work during a power outage.

circled-number-4Turn Off Major Appliances

Immediately turn off all major electrical appliances, especially heating or cooking units, to prevent unsafe situations once power is restored. Leave a porch light and one inside light on.

How We Restore Your Power

Reporting an outage is key to getting your power back as quickly as possible. See how we bring the lights back on in our step-by-step infographic.

Learn More

Preventing Power Outages

See how we work to prevent outages and simple but important ways you can help.

Request a Tree Trimming

Request a Tree Trimming

If you see a tree growing around or very near a power line, let us know so we can trim it away from our equipment.


Main Causes of Outages

Main Causes of Outages

In the Pacific Northwest, trees and wildlife are the main causes of power outages.


Call Before You Dig

Call Before You Dig

There are many underground power, water, and gas lines, so remember to call 811 two business days before digging.




We work hard to make sure that the power stays on, but you can help make our system even more reliable.


Knowledge Is Power

Our resource center offers useful information on preparing for emergencies, including power outages. See top outage-related tips below.

Power Outages & Online Learning

Make sure you know what to do in the event of a power outage.

Generator Safety

Portable and permanent generators are helpful during an outage, but make sure you’re using them safely to protect your home and utility workers.

Life Support

If you or a loved one relies on electric service to power medical equipment, please let us know so we can help you prepare for an outage.

What To Do If There Is a Fire or Shock

In case of electrical accidents, always call 911 if someone is injured and follow these instructions.

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