Our Mission
All of our team members pledge to uphold the public trust by providing:
Affordable, reliable water and electric service;
The most responsive customer service;
And active community support.
Our tradition of community responsibility has deep roots: Clark Public Utilities was formed by a vote of the people in 1938, and remains customer-owned. To keep resources accessible for our community, we focus on efficiency in everything we do. And we’re proud to make sure the critical resources of electricity and water are reliable for all the people we serve.
Board of Commissioners
Clark Public Utilities is governed by an elected board of three commissioners. The commission sets utility policy, approves annual budgets, establishes rates, approves major purchases and investments, and selects a general manager to oversee the utility operations and staff. Commissioner District Map

Nancy Barnes
Commissioner Barnes was first elected in 1992 by District 2 in the East County area. She was re-elected in 1998, 2004, 2010, 2016 and 2022. Her current term expires in 2028.
Barnes earned a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University in English and journalism. She has been involved in numerous community activities, including her neighborhood association and local school district.
Barnes is a past president of the Washington Public Utility Districts Association and currently serves as our representative to the Northwest Public Power Association as well as Energy Northwest.

Sherry Erickson
First elected in 2024, Commissioner Erickson represents District 1 in the North County area. She is currently serving her first term, which expires in 2030.
Erickson has a Master of Business Administration degree from Washington State University and a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Brigham Young University. As a licensed engineer, she worked as a consultant in design, construction, and business management for a variety of clients, including utilities and municipalities.
Erickson is a longtime Clark Public Utilities StreamTeam volunteer, serving on the utility’s Stream Steward volunteer team. Erickson serves on the executive committee of the Columbia River Economic Development Council and as our representative at Columbia Springs, an environmental education center.

Jane Van Dyke
Commissioner Van Dyke was elected in 2014 and re-elected in 2020. Her current term expires in 2026. Van Dyke and represents District 3, which includes much of the City of Vancouver west of Interstate 205. She previously served as a Clark Public Utilities commissioner from 1984-2002.
Van Dyke holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a law degree from the Lewis and Clark School of Law. She has also attended the Evans School of Public Affairs Nonprofit Executive Leadership Institute. With 20 years of experience in nonprofit management, she has worked with the Clark County Volunteer Lawyers and Bar Association, Columbia Springs Environmental Education Center and the Columbia Slough Watershed Council.
Van Dyke currently serves as the president of the board of directors of the Washington Public Utility District Association and represents the utility as the American Public Power Association representative.
CEO/General Manager

Lena Wittler
Lena Wittler is a 20-year veteran of the utility industry, having served in a variety of finance, human resources, and communications roles, most recently as the Director of Communications and Employee Resources, overseeing all communications, public affairs, utility-wide research and analytics, human resources and loss control. She was named CEO and General Manager in June of 2019.
She holds a B.A. from Willamette University and an M.B.A. from the University of Portland and prior to her work with the utility she worked in education and judicial support.
Department Directors and Senior Leadership

- Assistant to the CEO/Clerk to the Board, Margaret Anderson
- Communications Director, Erica Erland
- Customer Service Director, Lisa Fix
- Employee Resources Director, Nichole Reitzensten
- Energy Resources Director, Steve Andersen
- Engineering Director, Cal Morris
- Finance Director and Utility Treasurer, Melissa Ankeny
- General Counsel, John Eldridge
- Information Services Director, Jeff Groff
- Operations and Interim Water Director, Gene Morris
Key Accounts and Service Managers

- Construction Service Manager, Dana Allen
- Energy Services Manager, Debbie DePetris
- Key Accounts Energy Solutions Manager, Bill Hibbs
- Key Accounts Manager, Lori Froelich
- Key Accounts Manager, Mike Wallace
- Industrial Key Accounts Manager, Aaron Frechette
- Transmission and Distribution Manager, Brian Roden
Contact Us Today
This is your utility, and we’re happy to answer your questions.
Please call us at 360-992-3000, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year long.