Keeping Our Systems Dependable
We’re planning ahead to construct and maintain reliable electric and water systems that are vigilantly fortified for flexible and functional operation today and in the future.

Transmission, Distribution and System Maintenance Upgrades
How we maintain out electric and water systems and ensure system reliability and safety

Water Quality, Reliability, and Regional Support
Clark Public Utilities is committed to keeping our water supply safe and reliable.

Grid Modernization
Flexible operation of the electric system requires continuous investment in technology and innovation.
Monitor, Maintain, and Modernize
Building and maintaining a reliable system is a hallmark of customer-owned utility systems. When profits drive electric and water providers, system investments are often delayed, and reliability and safety can suffer. Clark Public Utilities invests year-round in system monitoring to identify and repair aging equipment before the power goes out, proactive vegetation management through tree-trimming, clearing of transmission routes, and aerial and ground monitoring of power lines. Exceeding best industry practices, Clark Public Utilities has maintained one of the most reliable electric systems in the region.
Businesses, people, and public agencies benefit from the high-quality and affordable utility services provided in Clark County. Strategically sited infrastructure helps to ensure safe and reliable electric and water services that are fundamental to life and work. Clark Public Utilities is committed to delivering both with excellent customer service every day — It’s all part of the way we support the thriving communities of Clark County.
Anticipate, Prepare and Respond
Clark County is a beautiful and safe place to live and work, but our region is not free of natural or manmade disasters that could lead to prolonged disruptions. Clark Public Utilities’ commitment to delivering consistent and quality energy and water services to all of Clark County includes being prepared for events that could significantly impact local infrastructure. Clark Public Utilities developed and maintains numerous department-specific and utility-wide response plans to ensure a quick response and recovery to incidents of varying sizes and durations. Employees from every department are involved in annual plan reviews and emergency exercises with partner agencies.
Safety, Resilience and Integration
In an increasingly digital world, Clark Public Utilities is equally committed to the safety and reliability of its physical infrastructure and equipment as it is to the security of its connecting information systems. Data management and protection of customer and system information is critical, and the utility employs all industry best practices to maintain flexible, resilient, and secure cyber operations.