Meeting of Commissioners of
Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County, Washington
October 6, 2020
A meeting of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County was held at the Electric Center, 1200 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, October 6, 2020.
Present: Commission President Jane Van Dyke, CEO/General Manager Lena Wittler and Assistant to CEO/General Manager Margaret Anderson.
Present via digital conference (phone or video): Vice President Jim Malinowski, Secretary Nancy Barnes Commissioners, Director of Finance Melissa Ankeny, Director of Information Services Mike Harris, Director of Energy Resources Dan Bedbury, Director of Customer Service Lisa Fix, Director of Engineering Cal Morris, Director of Operations Gene Morris, Director of Water Doug Quinn, Director of Communications Erica Erland, Director of Employee Resources Nichole Reitzenstein, General Counsel John Eldridge, Energy Services Project Manager Matt Babbitts, Manager of Energy Planning and Operations Tom Haymaker and Media Specialist Dameon Pesanti.
Press representatives: None
Others present via digital conference (phone or video): Don Steinke, Cathryn Chudy and Rick Marshall
At 9:00 a.m., President Van Dyke called the meeting to order for the transaction of formal business. Commissioner Van Dyke noted a quorum was present and the agenda (Materials A) was approved.
Consideration of the Minutes of September 15, 2020
There were no changes.
Public Comment
Member of the public Don Steinke provided comment on the Clean Fuel Standard, fuel switching and energy waste in Clark County.
Member of the public Cathryn Chudy shared her concern that Clark Public Utilities would consider the use of nuclear energy in the form of small modular reactors as a way to meet energy needs in Clark County.
Copies of written public comments in their entirety may be obtained by contacting Margaret Anderson at [email protected] or 360-992-3378.
Consideration of Accounts Payable
The board, by a unanimous vote, approved the following payment amounts as listed on the Letter of Transmittal dated October 6, 2020 from the District Auditor (Materials B):
Electric Revenue Fund – $24,282,601.47
Water Revenue Fund – $1,036,894.77
Generating System Fund – $1,381,173.82
For a total of $26,700,670.06
Consideration of Interlocal Agreement with the City of Vancouver – Overhead Electric Line Relocation
Director of Engineering Cal Morris reviewed the memo (Materials C), outlining the proposed interlocal agreement with the City of Vancouver for the overhead electric line relocation project on SE 1st Street. The agreement details the Buy America requirements along with the construction and payment responsibilities for the utility’s work. Staff is recommending approval of this agreement.
Commissioner Barnes moved to approve the interlocal agreement with the City of Vancouver and authorize the CEO/General Manager Lena Wittler to sign the agreement on behalf of the utility. Commissioner Malinowski seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Consideration of Home Energy Report Program – OPower
Energy Services Program Manager Matt Babbitts provided the board with a review of the current Opower program and the proposed updates to the program to start in 2021 (Materials D). Mr. Babbitts shared the energy savings the current program produces and the projected energy savings expanding the program from the current 13,000 participants to 40,000 participants could produce. This expansion will be a three-year agreement and includes a web platform to enhance the residential customer experience.
Commissioner Malinowski moved to approve the expansion of the Opower program and enter into the three-year agreement as presented. Commissioner Barnes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
August Financials
Director of Finance Melissa Ankeny addressed the board (Materials E). August was warmer and drier than normal, which resulted in electric revenues and off system sales above budget. August residential sales were 106.4% of budget, commercial sales were 95.4% and industrial sales were 94.2% of budget. August ended with net income of $1.8 million compared to a budgeted net income of $1.3 million. Year-to-date net income is $23.1 million compared to a budgeted net income of $16.6 million.
Ms. Ankeny provided a year-to-date update on the utility’s conservation spending.
The Water System ended August with 593 new customers year-to-date, which is a growth rate of 2.38%. August ended with net income of 1.0 million, compared to a budgeted net income of $972,000. Year-to-date net income is $824,000 compared to a budgeted net income of $597,000.
August Wholesale Operations
Manager of Planning and Operations Tom Haymaker addressed the board (Materials F). Mr. Haymaker updated the board on power supply noting that Slice performed below prompt month by 12 aMW and above budget forecasts by 27 aMW. The utility’s monthly load was 3 aMW above budget. Power and gas prices showed extensive volatility mid-month in response to warm weather and California’s power supply struggles.
Mr. Haymaker provided an overview of the impacts of COVID to Clark’s load for the month of August, the winter weather forecast and the latest on the Columbia River System Operations final record of decision.
Commissioner Reports and Comments
Commissioner Malinowski asked the board to consider the proposed bylaw changes for the Public Power Council, this topic will be added to the next meeting for board action.
The board then discussed with staff the use of Clark Public Utilities’ votes for the executive board nominations for the Public Power Council, after discussion a decision was made on order of voting and staff will disseminate that information to the Public Power Council during the voting process.
Commissioner Malinowski reported on his attendance at the Washington PUD Association Water Workshop.
Commissioner Van Dyke reminded everyone that next week is Public Power Week.
Staff Reports
Director of Information Services Mike Harris provided the board with an update on recent broadband conversations occurring with the City of Vancouver and others (Materials G).
Public Comment
There were no public comments.
Other Business before the Board
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.