A meeting of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County was held in the District offices, 1200 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of March at the hour of 9:00 a.m.
Present: President Nancy Barnes, Vice President Jane Van Dyke, Secretary Jim Malinowski, Commissioners; CEO/General Manager Wayne Nelson, Director of Finance Rick Dyer, Director of Water Doug Quinn, Director of Customer Service Lisa Fix, Director of Engineering Cal Morris, Director of Information Services Mike Harris, Director of Communications Lena Wittler, Corporate Communications Manager Erica Erland, Materials and Purchasing Manager Cathy Wannamaker, Facilities Manager Greg Pagel, Fleet Manager Paul Chamberlain, Energy Resource Manager Terry Toland, Senior Customer Service Representatives Marilyn Roe and Ginny Murray and Assistant to CEO/General Manager Margaret Anderson.
Press Representatives: None
Others Present: Nancy Newell (Materials A)
The order of business recorded below reflects the published agenda (Materials B).
At 9:00 a.m., President Barnes called the meeting to order for the transaction of formal business.
Consideration of the Minutes of March 8, 2016
There were no changes or corrections.
Consideration of Accounts Payable
The Board, by a unanimous vote, approved the following payment amounts as listed on the Letter of Transmittal dated March 22, 2016 from the District Auditor:
Electric Revenue Fund – $10,997,287.49
Water Revenue Fund – $237,138.80
Generating System Fund – $464,514.30
For a total of $11,698,940.59
Recognition of Employee Service Awards
Director of Customer Service Lisa Fix introduced Ginny Murray and Marilyn Roe. Both Senior Customer Service Representatives were recognized for 25 years of service with the utility.
CEO/General Manager Wayne Nelson introduced Greg Pagel, Facilities Manager. Greg was recognized for 20 years of service with the utility.
The board thanked all the employees for their service to the utility (Materials C).
Consideration of Bid Award No. 977 – Distribution Transformers
Materials & Purchasing Manager Cathy Wannamaker reviewed the memo dated March 22, 2016, which detailed the bid results (Materials D). Commissioner Malinowski moved to recommend that Bid No. 977 be awarded to both ERMCO and General Pacific, Inc. at the unit prices listed in the supporting materials. The sum of both contracts awarded will total $897,847.00 plus applicable taxes. Commissioner Van Dyke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of Bid Award No. 982 – 99% Pure Renewable Diesel Fuel
Materials & Purchasing Manager Cathy Wannamaker reviewed the memo dated March 8, 2016, which detailed the bid results (Materials E). Commissioner Van Dyke moved to recommend that Bid No. 982 be awarded to Carson Oil Company for the purchase of an estimated 85,000 gallons of 99% pure renewable diesel fuel at an average of $2.36 per gallon the total bid award amount is $200,600.00 plus applicable taxes. Commissioner Malinowski seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of Bid Award No. 988 – Boiler Feed Pump Motor
Materials & Purchasing Manager Cathy Wannamaker reviewed the memo dated March 14, 2016, which detailed the bid results (Materials G). Commissioner Malinowski moved to recommend that Bid No. 988 be awarded to Dykman Electrical, Inc. for the purchase of a boiler feed pump motor in the amount of $69,531.18 plus applicable taxes. Commissioner Van Dyke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of Bid Award No. 989 – Aqua Ammonia
Materials & Purchasing Manager Cathy Wannamaker reviewed the memo dated March 14, 2016, which detailed the bid results (Materials H). Commissioner Van Dyke moved to recommend that Bid No. 989 be awarded to Univar USA for the purchase of aqua ammonia in the amount of $100,212.25 plus applicable taxes. Commissioner Malinowski seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of Disposal of Surplus Vehicles & Equipment
Materials & Purchasing Manager Cathy Wannamaker reviewed the memo dated March 22, 2016, which detailed the list of vehicles and equipment to be declared surplus for disposal through a public auction sale with JJ Kane Auctioneers (Materials I). Commissioner Van Dyke moved to declare the items surplus and to use JJ Kane Auctioneers to auction the items listed. Commissioner Malinowski seconded the motion it passed unanimously.
February Financials
Director of Finance Rick Dyer addressed the board (Materials I). January had warmer and wetter weather on average. System sales were below budget, and off system sales were above budget, resulting in electric revenue coming in over forecast. January residential sales were 97.4% of budget; commercial sales 102% of budget and industrial sales were 108% of budget.
For the month of January, the Electric System showed a net income of $5.4 million compared to a budgeted net income of $4.6 million. Residential customer growth for January was 1.84%. Mr. Dyer provided an update on conservation spending to date, noting that a large project coming in later in the year is expected to take up the bulk of the funds.
The Water System has added 66 new customers in January resulting in a growth rate of 2.41%. There was a net income loss in January of $82,000 against a budgeted net income loss of $81,000.
Mr. Dyer concluded the report with a year-to-date summary of the 2015 liquidity analysis, a brief history of the rate stabilization fund, and a recommendation for use of funds. The board will consider the options; staff will come to the board in April seeking an approval for use of the funds.
February Wholesale Operations
Director of Energy Resources Dan Bedbury addressed the board (Materials J). Slice performed above both prompt month forecast and budget forecast. Loads performed as expected with temperatures 5.4 degrees above average for the month, prices softened through the month.
River Road Generating Plant was taken offline on March 10 for economic displacement.
Commissioner Reports and Comments
Commissioner Malinowski reported on his attendance at the Washington PUD Association meetings and that he would be heading to Richland later in the day to attend some of the Energy NW Meetings.
Commissioner Van Dyke reported on her attendance at the Columbia River Economic Development Council meetings as well as her attendance at the American Public Power Association Legislative Rally in Washington D.C.
Staff Reports
CEO/General Manager Wayne Nelson updated the board on the upcoming power supply workshop. The presentation will outline the decision coming before the board regarding the Bonneville Power Administration products available to Clark Public Utilities.
Other Business before the Board
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.