Meeting of Commissioners of
Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County, Washington
June 16, 2020

A meeting of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County was held at the Electric Center, 1200 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, June 16, 2020.

Present: CEO/General Manager Lena Wittler and Assistant to CEO/General Manager Margaret Anderson.

Present via conference call: President Jane Van Dyke, Vice President Jim Malinowski, Secretary Nancy Barnes Commissioners, Director of Finance Melissa Ankeny, Director of Energy Resources Dan Bedbury, Director of Information Services Mike Harris, Director of Engineering Cal Morris, Director of Water Doug Quinn, Director of Employee Resources Nichole Reitzenstein, Director of Communications Erica Erland, Director of Operations Gene Morris, Director of Customer Service Lisa Fix, General Counsel John Eldridge, Customer Experience Manager Cameron Daline and Energy Services Project Manager Matt Babbitts.

Press representatives: None

Others present via conference call: Rick Marshall

At 9:00 a.m., President Van Dyke called the meeting to order for the transaction of formal business. Commissioner Van Dyke noted a quorum was present and the agenda (Materials A) was approved.

Consideration of the Minutes of June 2, 2020
There were no corrections.

Public Comment
Member of the public Rick Marshall provided his thoughts on better building standards and our Integrated Resource Plan process.

Consideration of Accounts Payable
The board, by a unanimous vote, approved the following payment amounts as listed on the Letter of Transmittal dated June 16, 2020 from the District Auditor (Materials B):

Electric Revenue Fund – $4,496,032.57
Water Revenue Fund – $995,036.01
Generating System Fund – $1,516,306.37

For a total of $7,007,374.95

Consideration of Intent to Establish LUD No. 1388 and 1395
Director of Engineering Cal Morris addressed the board regarding the Intent to Establish Local Utility District No. 1388 and 1395

Resolution No. 7603 – LUD No. 1388 – Orchards Townhomes
Resolution No. 7604 – LUD No. 1395 – Peacock Manor Ph. 2

After the presentation by Mr. Morris, Commissioner Van Dyke opened for public comment. There being no comment, a motion was made by Commissioner Barnes, seconded by Commissioner Malinowski, and unanimously carried that Resolution No. 7603 and 7604 be adopted and a public hearing was set for July 21, 2020 (Materials C).

Consideration of Resolutions of Establishment of LUD No. 1391
Director of Engineering Cal Morris addressed the board regarding the Establishment of Local Utility District No. 1391.

Resolution No. 7602 – LUD No. 1391 – Wren Heights

After the presentation by Mr. Morris, Commissioner Van Dyke opened for public comment. There being no comment, a motion was made by Commissioner Malinowski, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, and unanimously carried that Resolution No. 7602 be adopted. (Materials D).

Consideration of Bid Award No. 596 – Operations Center Chiller Replacement
Director of Engineering Gene Morris reviewed the memo dated June 16, 2020, detailing the bid results (Materials E). Commissioner Barnes moved to recommend that Bid No. 596 be awarded to the low evaluated bidder DSL Builders, LLC, in the amount of $583,000.00 plus applicable taxes. Commissioner Malinowski seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

City of Battle Ground Water Supply Agreement
Director of Water Doug Quinn provided the board with an update on the Paradise Point regional water supply and progress on the new water supply agreement with the City of Battle Ground (Materials F). Mr. Quinn shared details on a new long term agreement between Clark Public Utilities and the City of Battle Ground. This new agreement outlines water flow capacity increase, rate structure guidelines and anticipated water system expansions over the next several years.

Commissioners thanked Mr. Quinn and his staff for their work on Paradise Point and the agreement with the City of Battle Ground.

Commissioner Reports and Comments
Commissioner Barnes reported on her attendance at the Columbia Springs Board Meeting and the Public Power Council Members Forum and Executive Committee meeting.

Commissioner Malinowski reported on his attendance at the Energy Northwest Executive Board Meeting and the Washington PUD Association Special Board of Directors meeting.

Staff Reports
Director of Finance Melissa Ankeny provided the board with an overview of the accounts receivables through the month of May (Materials G).

Ms. Ankeny also provided the board with a timeline for the upcoming Electric System Revenue Bonds and the Generating System Refunding Bonds (Materials H). Commissioner Barnes expressed concerns over the dollar amount of the Electric System bond request. Ms. Ankeny will provide additional information to the board to support the request.

Energy Services Project Manager Matt Babbitts provided the board with an overview of a Department of Ecology grant that Clark Public Utilities received to install two new ChargePoint Express 250 DCFC units at the Electric Center (Materials I).

Public Comment
There were no public comments.

With no public comments to come before the board the meeting was recessed into executive session at 10:40 a.m. in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g) – To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. The executive session is expected to last no longer than 60 minutes and no action will be taken during the executive session.

Commissioner Van Dyke reconvened the public meeting at 11:25 a.m.

Other Business before the Board
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m.