Meeting of Commissioners of
Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County, Washington
August 9, 2016
A meeting of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Clark County was held in the District offices, 1200 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, Washington, on Tuesday, the 9th day of August at the hour of 8:30 a.m.
Present: President Nancy Barnes, Vice President Jane Van Dyke, Secretary Jim Malinowski, Commissioners; CEO/General Manager Wayne Nelson, Director of Finance Rick Dyer, Director of Operations Dan Krebs, Director of Water Doug Quinn, Director of Communications Lena Wittler, Director of Energy Resources Dan Bedbury, Director of Customer Service Lisa Fix, Corporate Communications Manager Erica Erland, Construction Services Manager Dana Allen Communication Student Logan Anderson and Assistant to CEO/General Manager Margaret Anderson.
Press Representatives: None
Others Present: Mike Lyons, Sean Keatts, Debbi Haskins, Roy Koegen, Carl Lepper
(Materials A)
At 8:30 a.m., President Barnes called the meeting to order for the transaction of formal business and immediately recessed into executive session to discuss personnel matters. No formal action was taken in executive session.
The board reconvened at 9:00 am and Commissioner Barnes called the meeting to order for the transaction of formal business. The board approved the agenda as the order of business. (Materials B)
Consideration of the Minutes of July 26, 2016
There were no changes or corrections
Consideration of Accounts Payable
The Board, by a unanimous vote, approved the following payment amounts as listed on the Letter of Transmittal dated August 9, 2016, from the District Auditor:
Electric Revenue Fund – $12,543,594.03
Water Revenue Fund – $332,325.36
Generating System Fund – $219,436.61
For a total of $13,095,356.00
JD Power Presentation
Carl Lepper, J.D. Power Industry Analyst addressed the board (Materials C). Mr. Lepper gave an overview of the categories included in the 2016 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study and discussed where Clark Public Utilities ranked in each of those categories both in the West and nationally. He congratulated the utility on the swift rebound from a small dip in satisfaction last year.
Mr. Lepper noted that with the recent system changes at the utility, staff and the board should be congratulated on the results of the 2016 studey that again named the utility highest in customer satisfaction among mid-size utilities in the West, for the ninth year in a row.
Consideration of Resolutions of Establishment of LUD Nos. 1245 and 1246
Construction Services Manager Dana Allen addressed the Board regarding the Establishment of Local Utility District Nos. 1245 and 1246 for street lighting.
Resolution No. 7279 – LUD No. 1245 – Laurin Meadows
Resolution No. 7280 – LUD No. 1246 – Cooledge Meadows
After the presentation by Ms. Allen, Commissioner Barnes opened the public hearing for comment. There being no public comment, a motion was made by Commissioner, Van Dyke seconded by Commissioner Malinowski , and unanimously carried that Resolution Nos. 7279 and 7280 (Materials D) be adopted.
Consideration of Intent to Establish LUD Nos. 1251, 1254 and 1255
Construction Services Manager Dana Allen addressed the Board regarding the Intent to Establish Local Utility District Nos. for street lighting.
Resolution No. 7281 – LUD No. 1251 – McLeod Infill
Resolution No. 7282 – LUD No. 1254 – Marbella Subdivision
Resolution No. 7283 – LUD No. 1255 – NE 124th Avenue Subdivision
After the presentation by Ms. Allen, Commissioner Barnes opened for comment. There being no public comment, a motion was made by Commissioner Van Dyke, seconded by Commissioner Malinowski, and it was unanimously carried that Resolution Nos. 7281 – 7283 be adopted and a public hearing set for September 13, 2016 (Materials E).
Consideration of Resolution for the Sale, Issuance and Delivery of the Electric System Revenue and Refunding Bonds
Director of Finance Rick Dyer reviewed the presentation (Materials F) outlining the proposed sale of the 2016 Electric and Generating System revenue and refunding bonds. Mr. Dyer noted we are in an unprecedented time of very low interest rates and the timing of the bond sale is intended to take advantage of the prime circumstances.
After the presentation Commissioner Van Dyke moved to adopt resolution 7277 for the Electric System authorizing the sale, issuance and delivery of the district’s Electric System revenue and refunding bonds, 2016 in the principle amount of not to exceed $125 million. Commissioner Malinowski seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Consideration of Resolution for the Sale, Issuance and Delivery of the Generating System Revenue and Refunding Bonds
After approval of resolution 7277 Commissioner Malinowski moved to adopt resolution 7278 for the Generating System authorizing the sale, issuance and delivery of the district’s Generating System revenue and refunding bonds, 2016 in the principle amount of not to exceed $60 million. Commissioner Van Dyke seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Consideration of Resolution for General Manager Salary Adjustment
Commissioner Barnes stated that the board had spent a considerable amount of time reviewing and discussing Mr. Nelson’s performance over the past year along with the performance of the utility. Each member of the board individually thanked Mr. Nelson for operating the utility efficiently and responsibly while maintaining a lean, skilled staff and continuing to do what is right for our customers.
After commending Mr. Nelson for the outstanding performance over the last year Commissioner Van Dyke presented a motion to adopt Resolution No. 7284 (Attachment G) setting CEO/General Manager Wayne Nelson’s annual salary at $270,000 effective July 1, 2016. The resolution also included a car allowance of $400 per month, use of fleet EV charging station in lieu of mileage reimbursement, a one-time transfer of 100 hours of sick leave to annual leave, and the same benefits afforded to all employees. Commissioner Malinowski seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reports
Commissioner Malinowski reported on his attendance at the Energy Northwest meetings and his attendance at the Columbia Springs event. Commissioner Malinowski gave special thanks Director of Water Doug Quinn for his participation in the event.
Commissioner Van Dyke reported that she also attended the Columbia Springs event and reported on her attendance at the Energy Authority West Coast partners meeting, Public Power Council and Columbia River Economic Development Council meetings.
Commissioner Barnes reported on her attendance at the Public Power Council meetings.
Staff Reports
Director of Water Doug Quinn provided an update on the governor’s fish consumption rule.
Other Business before the Board
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.