Columbia Machine

Privately-held, family-owned Columbia Machine has been designing and manufacturing industrial machines in Clark County for more than 75 years. “Our team has always believed in being a good neighbor,” explains Bryan Goodman, Vice President of Manufacturing Operations. That means caring for its employees and its resources for both the present and future.

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Sweet Spot Skirts

Sweet Spot Skirts is sewing itself a bright future in downtown Vancouver. And using energy efficient lighting in its flagship store has helped make the showroom shine while lowering energy costs at the same time.

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Dick Hannah Dealership

Like many good things that happen at Dick Hannah Dealerships, the 63-year-old locally owned  auto sales and service company,  cutting down on energy waste wasn’t a top down corporate decision but rather the result of an employee-led brainstorm. The greatest area of opportunity for Dick Hannah Dealerships according to the energy assessment was in upgrading lighting systems.

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