September 2024

Prepare for Outages Ahead of Storm Season

September is National Outage Preparedness Month, just before storm season begins. Clark Public Utilities is one of the most reliable energy providers in the country, but outages still happen. That’s why it’s important to have an outage kit ready.

Building one specific for your household is easy and affordable — just remember to include a few basics:

  • Flashlights for everyone in the home
  • Extra batteries and a charging pack for electronic devices
  • Drinking water for everyone in the home, one gallon per person, per day for at least three days
  • Nonperishable food (rotate for freshness and safety)
  • A manual can opener
  • A wind up or battery-operated radio
  • A first aid kit, important medication and hygiene supplies
  • Pet supplies
  • A list of important phone numbers and some cash

Place everything in a sturdy container and store it somewhere easy to reach. Make sure everyone in the home knows what’s in it, where it’s stored and what to do when the lights go out. Also remember to keep your vehicle charged or gassed, especially during extreme hot or cold temperatures. Cars can provide heating, cooling and can charge devices in emergencies or extended power outages. For more information or ideas on building an emergency kit, visit our website or the American Red Cross website,

Know Your Home Water Shutoff Location

Knowing where and how to shut off your property’s water supply is critical during a plumbing emergency, routine maintenance or prolonged time away.

Every property has at least one main shutoff valve for the entire system.

Shutoff locations can vary. Most properties will have one on the customer’s side of the water meter, but older homes may not. Some properties may have a main shutoff valve inside the crawlspace, basement, garage or closet.

Verify your utility allows customers to shut off water on the utility side of the meter.

Call Us Before Going Solar

Home or business solar arrays can provide clean, renewable power and lower energy costs for customers. For the utility, these smaller solar systems help lower strain on the electric grid during times of high demand and reduce power purchase costs by generating energy locally. But it’s not a good fit for every property.

When working with a solar company, follow the Washington Solar Consumer Protection Act’s consumer checklist as a guide and verify claims of savings or emergency benefits with an unbiased expert or trusted source.

Be wary of big promises, especially about home solar eliminating your monthly energy bills or any statements about rising utility rates. Don’t sign anything until you understand your property’s energy needs and solar capabilities, the total system cost, and have received at least two other bids from reputable contractors.

The experts at Clark Public Utilities are always available to help customers understand their options. The utility’s online solar payback calculator can help you calculate when home solar might break even. Contact the Energy Services Team at 360-992-3244. You can also visit our website to learn about solar energy, view current solar incentives and find the consumer checklist at

Save With a Heat Pump Water Heater

Upgrade to a heat pump water heater and cut water heating costs by about half. While they can be more expensive to purchase upfront, the energy savings are immediate and quickly add up over the life of the system.

Clark Public Utilities offers a $700 rebate for qualifying heat pump water heaters.

Visit for more information about rebates.

Utility rebates can be combined with federal tax credits offered by the Inflation Reduction Act.

Energy Rebates and Incentives Available for Business Customers

Local businesses of all sizes, from small retailers to large manufacturers, are finding ways to reduce energy use, improve safety and comfort, and lower operating costs with Clark Public Utilities energy efficiency programs. Contact your Key Accounts Manager or call customer service to begin saving at your organization.

Clark Public Utilities offers incentives, educational services, and energy management tools for commercial and industrial business customers to make lasting reductions in energy waste at their facilities. Knowledgeable utility staff also offer on-site visits to lower utility costs. The utility also offers flexible incentives to business customers for custom projects when investments or upgrades with measurable energy savings don’t fit into a single utility program.