News Release – 8/9/11

For Information:
Erica Erland, Clark Public Utilities
360-992-3238, [email protected]

Clark Public Utilities Board of Commissioners Adjusts General Manager’s Compensation Package

VANCOUVER, WA – August 9, 2011 – Following a performance review, Clark Public Utilities commissioners voted today to increase General Manager, Wayne Nelson’s compensation.

Based on multiple surveys of executive salaries at comparable utilities in the region and across the country, commissioners agreed to increase Mr. Nelson’s salary from $202,000 to $225,000, allow conversion of 100 hours of accrued sick leave into annual leave and continue providing all benefits offered to utility employees. A $400 per month car allowance remains unchanged.

“The utility business is growing increasingly more complex with the integration of renewable energy in the region and the administration of the new Bonneville Power Administration contract effective in October,” said Commission President, Byron Hanke. “Mr. Nelson continues to provide sound leadership for our organization, which has become the benchmark for utility customer satisfaction in the nation.”

Clark Public Utilities was recently ranked highest in customer satisfaction for mid-size utilities in the west by J.D. Power and Associates for the fourth consecutive year. The survey measures all areas of the utility from system reliability to billing and from customer service to environmental stewardship and is an indicator of the efficiency and effectiveness of the utility compared to similar-sized organizations.

“That this utility has continued to provide such stellar service is particularly admirable given that Clark Public Utilities serves its customers with fewer employees per customer and a lower operating cost per customer than any other utility in the state,” said Hanke.

Mr. Nelson has served as General Manager of the utility since January 1999. The commissioners last voted to increase Mr. Nelson’s compensation three years ago.